Desejo nº17

>> quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011


These small, round cakes, crisp on the outside, smooth and soft in the middle, are the most famous creation of Ladurée.
The story of the Ladurée macaroon starts with Pierre Desfontaines, second cousin of Louis Ernest Ladurée, who at the beginning of the 20th century first thought of taking two macaroon shells and joining them with a delicious ganache filling.
These small, round cakes, crisp on the outside, smooth and soft in the middle, are made every morning in Ladurée’s “laboratory”. The pastry chefs measure out very precisely the required amounts of almonds, eggs and sugar, before adding one final ingredient, a pinch of unique “know-how”, essential to the making of such a delicacy. Once cooked and filled, the macaroons are put to one side for 2 days before going on sale, the time it takes to achieve a perfect balance between texture and flavour.
With each new season, Ladurée pays tribute to its most famous creation by creating a new flavour.
The existing range of macaroons is always the starting point when a new one is created, as the variety of colours is as important as the range of flavours and a vital part of their appeal.

Quando voltar a Paris quero lá ir, para comer aqueles que dizem ser 
os melhores macaroons do mundo! :)

2 linhas escritas por outros:

Isabel Lima 28 de abril de 2011 às 15:24  

há um café à beira da minha casa que vende estas coisinhas fofinhas mas nunca provei.
são bons? é que vejo-os por todo o lado aqui na web

Rita Carvalho 28 de abril de 2011 às 15:56  

Eu não gosto de todos os sabores, mas há alguns que adoro mesmo como baunilha, framboesa, amora e manga. Prova e depois diz-me se gostaste! :)
Eu acho que têm um efeito visual fantástico! São mesmo giros.

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